Fractal Design Define R3 USB3.0 Titanium Grey (FD-CA-DEF-R3-USB3-TI)


the tower, for motherboards ATX/mATX/Mini-ITX, USB 3.0

General information (Fractal Design Define R3 USB3.0 Titanium Grey (FD-CA-DEF-R3-USB3-TI))
Type without power supply
Classification the middle class
Technical specifications housing (Fractal Design Define R3 USB3.0 Titanium Grey (FD-CA-DEF-R3-USB3-TI))
Body color black, titanium
Housing material steel
Case type Tower
Form factor motherboard ATX, micro-ATX, mini-ITX
The location of the power supply bottom
Cooling air
Installed fans 1
Bays 5.25" 2
External bays 3.5" 1
Internal bays 3.5" 8
Internal bays 2.5"
Removable basket hard drives
Expansion slots 7
Dust filters
Transparent window
The front body panel (Fractal Design Define R3 USB3.0 Titanium Grey (FD-CA-DEF-R3-USB3-TI))
The door
Information display
Infrared port (remote)
USB 2.0
USB 3.0 1
IEEE 1394 (FireWire, iLink)
Audio output 1
Dimensions (Fractal Design Define R3 USB3.0 Titanium Grey (FD-CA-DEF-R3-USB3-TI))
Height 440 mm
Width 207.4 mm
Depth 512.2 mm
Weight 12.5 kg
Screwless mounting disks
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